Hello everyone 👋

To make purchases and use the full site services, register or login your account

Welcome to TradeUsGlobal, a B2B e-commerce platform designed to connect businesses with suppliers and manufacturers from around the world. This user guide will help you navigate the site and make the most of its features.
1.    Creating an account: To create an account, click on the "Register" button in the top right corner of the homepage. Fill in the required information and click "Register" to create your account.
2.    Searching for products: Use the search bar located at the top of the homepage to find products by keyword or category. You can also browse products by category using the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page.
3.    Contacting suppliers: Once you have found a product you are interested in, you can contact the supplier directly by clicking the "Send Message" button on the product page. This will open a page where you can enter your message.
4.    Create a Request: If you are interested in purchasing a product, you can create a request by clicking the "Add Request " button on the “My Profile” page. This will open a page where you can enter the quantity you require and any other details relevant to your request.
5.    Managing your account: You can manage your account information by clicking on the "My Profile" tab in the top navigation menu. Here you can update your personal details, view your order history, and change your password.

Thank you for using TradeUsGlobal. If you have any further questions, please contact support@tradeusglobal.com

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